COMPOSER Subbaraama Iyer |
Also known as Vaitheeshwarankovil Subbaraama Iyer lived in the later part of the 19th century. He composed many Tamil padams, mainly on erotic love, and some say he has gone beyond the limit of equating devotion with love. All his padams are full of raaga bhaavam (feeling), with proper balance of words and music. It is said that he exhausted the possibility of the raagam kaambhOji in his padams. Most padams are in kaambhOji, aThaaNaa, kalyaaNi, shuruTTi, saavEri, dhanyaasi, and tODi. He presents many types of naayakis (heroines), with little emphasis on sangatis in the lyrics. In 1906 he published the book "MutukumaaraswaamipEril Padam" (padams by Mutukumar) with the help of 3 others.